Angelo Susi

Head of Unit

+39 0461 314344
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Short Bio

Researcher in the Software Engineering Unit of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler. My main research interests are: Requirements Engineering, in the area of requirements elicitation and analysis through informal, formal methods and Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering techniques; Search-Based Software Engineering, in particular in the study of meta-heuristics to be applied to the problems of requirements and test cases prioritisation and management; Machine Learning, with the development of algorithms to be applied to decision-making problems in requirements management.

Involved in several research projects on requirements engineering and risk analysis among which SUPERSEDE, an H2020 project for software system evolution and adaptation (2015-2018), RISCOSS, a European FP7 project for risk analysis in Open Source Software adoption (2012-2015), and EuRailCheck, a project for the validation of the signaling specification of the European high-speed trains (2008).

Served as General Chair for SSBSE 2012, as Financial Chair for RE 2011, and Organisation Chair for ISSTA 2009, and ICSM 2012. Among the others, he served in the program committees of ICSE, CAiSE, SSBSE, RE, REFSQ, ER, AAMAS and as reviewer for TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, IST, JSS and REJ.

Member of the board of the PhD Course in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Udine, Italy.

Selected Publications